It’s time to get serious about protecting athletes.
No one should die playing sports.

Commotio Cordis — It’s rare but catastrophic. Some call it a cardiac concussion, that kills. It can occur when a ball, stick or hand strikes the chest directly over or near the heart. The heart stops, breathing stops and within seconds the athlete is on the ground, unresponsive. Less than 50% survive.
The commotio cordis breakthrough
Tufts Medical Center in Boston heard of our protective superiority, and it was suggested that as the world-leading experts in commotio cordis, their efforts to find a protective solution for Commotio could be aided by Unequal. A couple years later a Tufts peer-reviewed, published study in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine (March 2016, Jan 2017) confirmed it: We had invented the first technology ever proven to significantly reduce the risk of commotio cordis. This after more than 2 decades of Tufts trying to figure out if anything would work. Even the FDA signed off, issuing an IFU claim. HART products were designed and made available, using materials tested and proven in the Tufts study. So now, sudden death from commotio cordis is preventable.
“I am excited to have played a role in discovering a technology that offers excellent protection against commotio cordis.”
Mark Link, M.D.Board-certified cardiac electrophysiologist, Leading worldwide authority on commotio cordis
Who we are
At Unequal we only make gear that protects. and are where you will learn all about our products and what people are saying about us. With over 100 patents, our coated aramid fabric (like Kevlar®) is used in every product we make. In fact, we developed protective solutions for the military first and then adapted that ultrathin, ultralight technology for sports. Tens of thousands of athletes across all pro sports leagues, colleges, universities, high schools, youth leagues and clubs use Unequal protective gear to reduce risk, while driving greater confidence and a higher level of play.

Are you in leadership overseeing the safety of athletes?
You need to know this:
Because commotio cordis is now preventable, any person or organization in a leadership position responsible partially (e.g. a school superintendent) or completely (e.g. a coach) for athlete safety, in any contact sport where athletes are at risk of commotio cordis, has a duty of care to inform parents and players of the risk, that there is a solution and how to access it. The law imposes that duty of care. Ignorance is not bliss. You must be proactive or risk exposure to legal action upon a commotio event.
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Virtually No Other Chest Protection Comes Close
Thin, lightweight, flexible, comfortable. Each protector contains patented HART tech that is ergonomically placed to protect the heart area.